سلام ، به سایت شرکت آسیای آرام خوش آمدید.

Our Mines

Tange Zendan Mine


Area of about 5.35 square kilometers

Storage type (lime, marl and carcass stone)

Supplier of materials (lime and marl) factory

Sale of carcass stone to companies in the area (beach construction)

Annual harvest capacity is 1,950,000 tons

Carcass stone mine >Nakhle Ghanem<


Area of about 0.3 square kilometers

 Type of storage (carcass stone)

 Annual harvest capacity of 100,000 tons

Tange Zendan 2 Mine


Area of about 6 hectares

Storage type (lime, marl)

Annual harvest capacity of 99,000 tons

Tange Zendan 1 Mine


The area is about 20 hectares

Storage type (lime, marl)

Annual harvest capacity of 99,000 tons

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